At South Plains we like bitter & hoppy beers. Not over the top extreme hop bombs but well balanced American Pale Ale & India Pale Ale with a moderate to pronounced bitterness. The dry hop could be light to heavy in aromas of citrus, pine, peaches & tropical fruit. We believe it is important to balance the bitterness, dry hops, malts & acidity.
Finding it
Sold in grocery stores & lunch cafes:
- ICA Maxi Hansa Companiet
- ICA Supermarket Fäladstorget, Lund
- ICA Maxi Västra Hamnen
- ICA Kvantum Eslöv
- ICA Maxi Caroli
- ICA Maxi Värnhem
- ICA Nara Ribersborg
- ICA Kvantum Malmborgs, Limhamn
- Master Livs, Malmö
- Kvantum Malmborgs Tuna, Lund
- ICA Kvantum Landskrona
- ICA Kvantum Clemenstorget, Lund
- Handlar’n På Nobelvägen
- Mido Quality
- Socker & Kanel
- ICA Kvantum Erikslust
Local Cafes, Around Town
- Slottsträdsgårds Kafé
- Smålands Nation
- The Vegan Bar, Malmö
- Cafe Ciao
- Green Lion Inn
- STR Golfkrog
- Mocca Cafe
- Pickwick Pub
- John Bull Pub, Lund
- Kalmar Nation, Lund
- Kristanstads Nation, Lund
- Restaurang Que
- Mastio
- Maderiet, Bokskogens Golfklubb, Bara
- Old Times Pub, Kävlinge
- Flax
- Mässinghornet
- Söderholmfisk
American Pale Ale (APA)
- Amber in Color
- 6% Alcohol Volume
- 44 ibu, moderate bitterness
- Light dry hop of citrus, wood & blackberries
- Serving: 6-8° C, served in a snifter glass
The American Pale Ale was our first beer on the market in 2012. The first two batches were ghost brewed at Amager Brygghus in Copenhagen while we were building our brew-house. The recipe is based on many California style Pale Ales.
Each bottle is labeled with the batch # near the expiration date. After seven years this is still one of our best selling beers.

Indian Pale Ale (IPA)
- Redish-Amber in Color
- 6,7 % Alcohol Volume
- 60 ibu, strong bitterness
- Dry hop of citrus, pine, stone fruits
- Serving: 6-8° C, served in a snifter glass
The India Pale Ale was our first beer on the market in 2012. The recipe is based on a California style India Pale Ale. Each bottle is labeled with the batch # near the expiration date. This is our best selling beer.
*Historical note*. In the 1700’s England would sail clippers on a voyage to their colony of India. But the casks of beer couldn’t make the four month voyage without going sour. So they developed a style where they increased hop bitterness , and they didn’t know it then, but they had decreased the pH making it less likely bacteria could grow. And by increasing alcohol also created a toxic environment for bacteria and this beer became known as ‘India Pale Ale’ and is still served in India & England today. Then in the 1970’s, American craft brewers made a American version of the IPA with new hybrid hops giving unique bitterness & aromas, and a new technique, the ‘Dry Hop’. After the beer has finished fermenting, they would toss on these new hybrid hops to give a intense aroma. When we first brewed this beer in 2013, most Swedish brewers were only doing the English style, and a American IPA was quite unusual.

Black IPA Burning-Witches Brew
- Black in Color
- 7,1% Alcohol Volume
- 70 ibu, strong bitterness
- Robust flavor from Warrior hops, English malts give flavors of roasted coffee, dark chocolate, dried figs, light dry hop aroma
- Serving: 6-8° C, served in a snifter glass
The Burning Witches Brew was our fourth beer and hit the market in 2013. We were the first brewery in Sweden to brew a Black IPA. The style name is a little of a misnomer because how can something be black and pale at the same time. There was so much confusion over the name Black IPA in the US, that beer judges created a new category calling it ‘Dark Cascadian Ale’. At the Gothenberg Porter Festival they call it ‘Indian Porter’. Where I live here in Malmö, Sweden, in a area called Kirseberg, there is a hill and on the top of the hill a sign says’ In 1504 on this spot, they burned witches in Malmö’. I thought that was very cool so decided to name my Black IPA after it. The blond woman burning in flames in the logo was created by Illustrator Randy Lillegaard Larsen, a old friend that is normally sketching elves and fairies for Lego in Denmark. When we first submitted the label to Systembolaget, we thought there was a good chance they could reject it because it is a bit offensive, a blond woman burning. But they really liked it because burning witches is a historical part of Sweden.
Each bottle is labeled with the batch # near the expiration date.
After seven years this is still very popular. I am often approached at festivals by ‘White Witches’ to tell me they drink this beer in their covens.

Used Motor Oil Stout
- Black in Color
- 10% Alcohol Volume
- 70 ibu, strong bitterness
- Robust flavor from Warrior hops, English malts give flavors of roasted coffee, dark chocolate, dried figs, light dry hop aroma
- Serving: 10-12° C, served in a snifter glass
A take off on my classic Russian Imperial Porter, only with licorice, anise & vanilla bean. It’s thick & rich, perfect on a cold Swedish night.
3,5 % Skånsk IPA
- Amber in Color
- 3,5% Alcohol Volume
- 32 ibu, mild bitterness (for a IPA)
- Wonderful flavor of Danish malts, CaraRed, Melanoiden Malt, flavors of local Swedish hops
- Serving: very cold, 3 to 5° C, served in a snifter glass
The 3,5% IPA was our first light alcohol craft IPA on the market in 2016. The local products are represented by the flag of Skåne. The concept was easy drinking, more for average people, not the beer enthusiasts. So it’s not a hop bomb or super bitter, more moderate. Many festivals we do and also at cafes & restaurants, people want a low alcohol beer, perhaps they are driving. Each bottle is labeled with the batch # near the expiration date.

Alcohol Free IPA
- Golden in Color
- 0% Alcohol Volume
- 25 ibu, mild bitterness (for a IPA)
- Wonderful flavor of Danish malts, CaraPils, Wheat Malt, flavors of Idaho 7 hops
- Serving: very cold, 3 to 5° C, served in a snifter glass
The Alcohol free IPA was our first light alcohol free craft IPA on the market in 2019. The concept was easy drinking, more for average people, not the beer enthusiasts. So it’s not a hop bomb or super bitter, more moderate. Many festivals we do and also at cafes & restaurants, people want a alcohol free beer, perhaps they are driving. Made with a special maltose negative yeast that can’t produce alcohol.Each bottle is labeled with the batch # near the expiration date.